As we move towards a COVID-normal, there is much excitement around social events with family and friends resuming, the return to a physical workplace and the freedom to experience life outside of a 5km radius.
Although exciting, we can’t disregard the fact that returning to a “new normal” is a big adjustment for some. Changing the way we have lived and what we have become accustomed to over the past year can be difficult. Just as it took us time to find ways of coping during lockdown, it will also take us time to find our way back to life before lockdown.
Fear and anxiety are possibly the most common emotional responses any of us will feel around this change. Getting through the past year has taken a lot out of us, both physically and mentally. We may have created a safe bubble for ourselves internally that helped us to cope, and the thought of coming out of that bubble and leaving that comfort behind is scary.
During this time of readjustment, it is important to be kind to ourselves and allow ourselves the time we need to heal. Try not to compare yourself to how others are coping, because our situations are unique to us and we can only move through this as best we can.
If you are experiencing anxiety around returning to work, are struggling to reconnect socially, or need assistance to cope with an ever-changing environment, the team at Embrace Wellness Consultancy are here to help! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us so you can start living your best post-lockdown life!
Tags: adjustment, anxiety, covid, fear, return to work, struggling